The original planners of OUR ultimate routes must be our parents, who enabled us to experience, enjoy and learn from camping, hiking and travelling through Southern Africa. A passion and respect for the outdoors was instilled from our younger days, for which we’re ever grateful. 

After our wedding celebration in December 2017, we decided to travel and work abroad for a year. Perspective and Planning were two of the luxuries we had time & resources for while in Asia. This sparked numerous nights around proverbial campfires with conversations, hours of dreaming and notebooks-full of brainstorming to formalise what is now Ultimate Routes.

The concept is a marriage of our outdoor interests, trip planning, marketing and business. It includes hobbies such as 4×4 travel, camping, birding, hiking and exploring Africa; as well as our experience of several overlanding trips made before the age of 30. 

With the Ultimate combination of shared passions and individual professional expertise areas, our clients are assured of impeccable service, careful planning and timeous communication throughout the planning process.



Laat ons vir jou en jou reisgenote ‘n onvergeetlike Afrika ervaring beplan.